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Re: CF: call for java enthusiasts: server time!

	I think what Preston was trying to say is:
If there is a java version of crossedit, it would be easier for many
people to make maps, so more maps would be available.


On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Mark Wedel wrote:

> > On the other hand, maybe we want a Java version of crossedit?  Perhaps
> > that should be the next big Java project.  From my perspective, the
> > enjoyment of the game is proportional to the diversity of the maps, so
> > anything that will result in more map development is a very good
> > thing.
>  If we can get enough public servers out there, the need for a java server
> decreases some (except for the general code cleanup.)  While a java editor
> might be nice, I am not sure if writing one will help out with a java server a
> lot - some portion of the code will be reusable, but a lot of it will probably
> be code just for the editor.
> -- 
> -- Mark Wedel
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