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Re: CF: call for java enthusiasts: server time!

"Mark Wedel" wrote:
>  As for version 1.0:  What do people think should be the measure of
> a 1.0 release?  Fully working client/server?  Anything beyond that?
> If all that is required is a fully working client/server, I can see a 1.0
> release within 6 months.

"Rupert G. Goldie" responded:
> o Full client/server. Preferably a client that works on PCs
> o A stable server. 0.99.8 and 0.99.9 should be bugfix releases with no
> major changes.
> o A well playtested server. Possibly no major new features in any of the
> 0.99.x releases.
> o A playtested set of maps.

I think 'playtested' needs to be defined.  Minimally it means it
means it doesn't crash and that all commands and options work.

It could also mean that there are no cheats (and what is a cheat
versus good strategy is another question - Peter Mardahl said that
the inability of monsters to follow players across maps influenced
his map design since that is something players are expected to
utilize in order to have a chance at succeeding).

It could also mean that every map and feature provides some level
of entertainment which would mean some maps and such would be
removed if they don't pass muster of whatever arbitrator

It could also means there is good playbalance of features and maps.
Which presumes there is some agreement on a desired playbalance.

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