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Re: CF: patch: merging items

> Do not do that.  If nrof is 0, it is specific information that that object
> should not be merged.  If you think there are objects that should be merged but
> have nrof in the archetypes, change the nrof - don't change program code
> because that might be easier.

I did that in my first try. However, people suddenly started finding
Dragon mails and amulets of livesaving as random objects, so I assumed
this was caused by changing nrof. I never cared to check how this happend ---
I implemented merging the way it is done now, and it worked fine.

The problem is that, currently, there aren't very many newbies on my
server. It _seems_ that random artifacts are only found in the correct
places since I changed the nrof values in the archetypes file back to
0, since the number of random artifacts I find doesn't seem to be too
high. Maybe I should really grep my usual maps for random artifact
locations and do an exact count -:)

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