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Challenge Classes (Re: CF: towards 1.0)

	Its possible to play every class to higher than an 
	average level of 25th without cheating or using the
	worst map abuses that are out there. 

	You meantion a monk character that got to 110th level,
	how can this be a failure? Seems to me the player 
	was pretty successful at gaining exp.

	I see no problem with the fact that obvious "solutions"
	dont work to kill tough monsters. As you mention, try
	spellcasting to kill the "Great Wyrm", or maybe something
	else (how about potions/dusts, which, btw I think you havent
	really exploited).

	The game *does* need more playbalance, I suggest making it
	*harder* at the upper levels, and easier for lower levels.

	How easy/hard do you want the game to be? It took me over 
	2 years to master all of the maps/classes, and Im disappointed
	that this was too short a time.

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