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Re: CF: teleportation

> Apparently I didn't make myself clear enough -:) The idea was to
> have "Destination points" in maps --- i.e. special places that the
> map designer can put into the map. Word of recall ("teleportation")
> could only teleport players to one of these points. Some means have to
> established to let players choose which point they want to teleport
> too -- either by "coding" this into items that players can pick up
> and carry around, or by creating an invisible object in the player
> inventory when the player applies such a destination point, or whatever.

 I got that part.  But there still needs to be some limit on that - otherwise
a moderate character could potentially be able to teleport to any map very
quickly.  Now this can be fixed by not having those special points on the maps,
but if very few maps have them, then it becomes pretty useless doesn't it?

 And if the map is a very deep dungeon, only being able to teleport to the very
start doesn't do a lot of good if you are working on clearing it out and want
to quickly return to town now and again.  And if the special points are put
throuughout the map, you still have an advantage in that you might be able to
skip most of the adventure and still get to the treasure room.

 The other issue with this is that we (or someone) then needs to look at all
the maps and add these various special points - this is quite a bit of work.
 Methods which still allow access to various maps via teleportation, preserver
playbalance/cheating issues, and do not require us to to check/change all the
maps is a prefered method.

> I was just mentioning that this would turn "word of recall" into a
> more general teleport spell, because it (IMHO) it doesn't make sense
> to name a spell with an arbitrary number of possible destinations
> "word of recall". I didn't mean to suggest to implement a new
> nethack-like ("instant") teleport spell --- so we would have
> "word of recall" (or whatever) for long distance, delayed teleports
> with fixed destinations, and dimension door for short distance teleports
> that don't really have fixed destinations.

 word of recall is an AD&D spell, and the crossfire implementation follows that
definition reasonable close (in AD&D, it allows a high level cleric to return
to his sanctuary).  So the recall is being recalled to the sanctuary, and not
hopping around.  Just a history lesson - not that it couldn't be changed.  But
from a playbalance type of view, if word of recall is a cleric spell, it make
sense to only bring him back to his sanctuary, and teleport should be a mage


-- Mark Wedel

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