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Re: CF: party system

If a level 100 person wants to party with level 1 chars then that
is an extremely good situation for the level 1 char regardless of
the gaming situation.  I think CF may make it overly advantageous
by giving the level 1 char a fair share of the exp generated by
the level 100 player.  I also think it is undesirable to give a
low level player from one event enough exp for numerous levels.
For example, in The Hobbit, the evil dragon Smaug is killed by
a perfectly placed arrow.  Does that archer suddenly become level
10?  Of course not.  Gaining levels is supposed to reflect all
that a player has learned and only so much can be learned from
the actions of a particular moment.

Thus, I suggest that there be a table for each level of max exp
that can be gained from a single event.  For level 1 it might be
100, level 10 say 10,000  while for level 20 there would be no
limit.  Thus, a level one char could party with a level 100 char
and gain levels by watching, but would gain levels much more slowly
than currently.

As for not allowing players to keep old characters, that is really
upto the person setting up the server and CF server itself.

> since there's a lot of abuse with parties (especially when level 1
> players group with level 100 players) i suggest, that there's a
> party limitation like:
> (overall level of highest player in the party) - (overall level of
> lowest player in the party) MUST BE <= 10
> another thing i'd suggest is to not allow players to keep their
> characters from version 0.93.7 in version 0.94/1.0/whatever,
> because there are 'lots of cheaters around us.
> btw. are there any stable servers who work for more then 4 players
> and are still fast ? (if, where?)
> Malicor
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