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Re: [Christian Stieber <>] Re: CF: Where is non-standard maps?

Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:

> I don't think you received a copy.

Thank you for this forwarding, I really missed the posting.I'm personally not on
crossfire mailing list, but I read from time to time.
Unfortunatly, this week was rather busy for me, so I did not.

Cristian responce provided me with clear information
on the subject, but I still missed the one point: where to get
these maps.

Thomas's server still does not responce ( )
so I have not Greyshield map.

I got and installed Goldcity maps, and I have no idea where I can get
Stoneville/DragonIsland. :-))

> Christian
>   (most of the maps are installed on :-))

As far as understand, you mean crossfire server here.

The question was, where I can get the above mentioned maps for installation
on my server.

Somebody, somewhere, please put additional maps on FTP/HTTP site....

With best wishes,
-- Yuri Pudgorodsky

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