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CF: Install Help

Can someone please help me install this game?  I am a relative newbie to
linux and I am having a horrible time with this.  I have already been
working at it for about 7 hours and I am just about as frustrated as I
can be.  I have followed the Install file to the letter.  Everything
complies and installs without a problem.  I have 2 problems though. One,
the step that starts edit the config/crossite.def file.  Edit this
file?  It should be self explanatory?!  It couldn't be any more
incomprehensible to me if it were written in secret code.  Two, after I
complete the installation and compilation there is no executable file
called crossfire anywhere on my system.  I consider myself pretty good
at this kind of stuff.  I have managed to Install a Redhat 5.1 system ,
KDE, Enlightenment 13.3 and 14 (snapshots), Windowmaker 16.1, and
countless programs without ever once asking a question on a news group
or mailing list.  This program (a damn game no less) has me  totaly
stumped.  Please help if you can.

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