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Re: CF: X implementation & portability

On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Benoit Callebaut <> wrote:
> I plan to write graphic interfaces for other platforms than X.
> I plan to write one in Java,Delphi or Vb.
> I search a complete description of the implementation of the X interface of
> Crosssfire.I would try to split the core of crossfire from the graphical
> interface. Infos about X programming would be useful too. 

Splitting the core of Crossfire from the graphical interface is mostly
done now.  But you do not have to worry about that anyway: if you want
to write an interface for another platform than X, then you are
writing a Crossfire client and you do not care about all the things
happening on the server side.

The only thing that is important to you is the Client-Server protocol
that is used by Crossfire.  You only have to build the user interface
of the client around that, and the current X code will not be very
useful to you anyway.  But take a look at the tar file containing the
latest client code (0.94.2): it contains the documentation of the C-S
protocol and it is reasonably easy to go through the source code and
understand how it works.

> 	(not fuck'in shit Unix howto)

Tsk tsk tsk...  Well, do you prefer the HOWTOs, the comments in the
code, or nothing?  Maybe it is not the best way to request some help
when you need it...


P.S.: Je pensais que les gens de Mons étaient plus polis que ça, et
      que les étudiants s'occupaient de leurs examens et pas de jeux
      en cette période de l'année...

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