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Re: CF: goths tavern bug

> I think there was some reason I didn't want to put it in the wizard,
> but I can't remember what it was.

 There was/is some limit to the size of the message buffer.  I know it has been
increased - we really should make it unlimited (in the end, it get dynamically
allocated - the only real issue is storing the input until the final allocation

 However, there is still some issue on the magic ear commands - if controlling
a door or other object, that still must be done by a magic ear which sits
still.  One of the things on the TODO list which still has yet to be even
started is an increased parsing for the npcs.

 A simple fix to the above problem would be to add something like '@pushbutton
X'.  However, it really needs a new interpertive language - something that
allows the addition of states and random output.


-- Mark Wedel

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