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CF: Polymorph bug


to make this a different kind of bug report, look at the following

Steve shouts: anyone need "eight rock throwers (wc+1)" ?? :)
Sagal shouts: me?
Jude shouts: muah
Steve shouts: you won't be able to pick it up :)
shout rock throwers? they changed the server so these don't appear anymore?
Icho shouts: rock throwers? they changed the server so these don't appear anymore?
Jude shouts: _very_ good articats, better carry them always sagal :)
Steve shouts: nope. also five spits acids -2 :-)
shout time for a bug report :-(
Icho shouts: time for a bug report :-(
Morpork tells you: we are in the castle of eureca... is'skills
Crossfire died, disconnecting...
Connection closed by foreign host.
stieber@sunbroy65:~> telnet sunbroy53 13326
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to a crossfire server.  Type 'help' if you need help.
This is Crossfire v0.94.2

Steve was polymorphing stuff, so obviously these things are still generated.
I don't know if the server crash was caused by that --- crashes are nothing
special, so it might just as well be a random coincidence.

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