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Re: CF: Moving on to implement diseases

My great concern regarding disease (or generally anything new) is that
new features always seem to make the players more powerful and weaken
monsters.  Thus, making the game easier.  Also, rarely are new features
updated to many maps and most monsters.  So the new features are available
to players, but rarely to the player's opponents.

I suggest that diseases should largely be a challenge to players and not
a weapon against monsters.  Diseases take several days between exposure
and severe symptoms.  I know of no dungeon where the battle is supposibly
taking so long (ie a siege) that infecting the enemy is a viable tactic.
If diseases can act so rapidly that infecting monsters weakens them
basically instantly then monsters must also be given that spell to attack

Thus, I suggest that, at least first pass, diseases should only affect
players and be an added challenge to players, but not be an added weapon
against monsters.  I think it would be best if diseases were generally
a slower acting, more varied poison like effect


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