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Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF (Was: Re: CF: Moving on to implement diseases)

> I do not believe the issue is developing a monster AI, but developing
> a monster (and possibly general object) scripting capability.
> Currently, monsters are controlled by some routines in CF with a
> minimal set of specified monster behaivors.  This is not a great
> approach since any change in monster behaivor affects most all
> monsters and thus an improvement for one monster can make others do
> silly stuff.

> Thus, I suggest a scripting language so each monster could be scripted
> to be as deadly or as stupid as desired. =

I would suggest something like siod (scheme in one define), which can
be used as a high level interpreter, in which one can program simple
algorithm. It can easily be integrated in a C-Programm. It allows
access to all data-structures from both sides. I thought of it over a lon=
time, because I want to use it for more intelligent pattern matching,
when talking with monster/altars...
It could be used in many ways. It might be used to as a command line
interpreter for all commands for the user-interface.
It's pretty fast and needs only about =

It can be compiled on unix/win32/mac/vms/amiga/atari and is pretty small.=

I made some small projects with siod as an extension language.
I would try to integrate it in crossfire, if it might be usefull.

Bis dann

=46rom the README of siod:
This is version 3.4 of Siod, Scheme In One Defun.

It is a small implementation of the Scheme programming language
with some database, unix programming and cgi scripting extensions.
The runtime footprint of the basic system is fairly small, with
the libsiod shared library linking to about 70kbytes of code on a
VAX using the standard DEC compilers for VMS. Results on other processor
architectures should scale accordingly.

George Carrette, June 16, 1996. 

The standard distribution contains unix manual pages in source
and text (txt) formats. A number of command files are provided that
invoke the interpreter to perform useful and/or exemplary tasks.
Support files and extensions =

Building: =

  unix .... the makefile has different targets for common
            operating system variants, and has been tested on all systems=

            included in file.
   vms .... descrip.mms or The linker-options files
            provided are for VAX architecture implementations.
 win32 .... i.e. Windows 95 and Windows NT. use make.bat
            This makes a dll that can be used from any application,
            and a main console-mode program, siod.exe
 mac   .... The THINK C siod project must include siod.c,slib.c,slib.c,
            sliba.c, siodm.c, ANSI. The compilation option require =

            prototypes is recommended. Hasn't been tested with release 3.=
 amiga .... probably still works with minor source modifications.

References: comp.compilers, sunsite siod.lsm


siod.html is a sectionalized/cross-linked document in hyper text markup
language covering language built-in procedures, extensions, and
how to write extensions and use the shared library libsiod
from other C programs. But refer to the manual pages for
command line flags and parameters.


The most recent version can usually be obtained from
the location or

Entry in the free database catalog from

David Muir Sharnoff <>

name:		SIOD (Scheme In One Defun/Day)
version:	3.4
interface from: C, C++, Scheme, WEB CGI.
interface to:	Oracle, RDB, flat ascii, flat binary. Sybase. MSQL.
access methods: flat files contain symbolic expression such as hash table=
multiuser:	yes with commercial DB, no with flat files.
transactions:	yes with commercial DB, no with flat files.
distributed:	yes with commercial DB, no with flat files.
query language: SQL, any SCHEME program.
limits:		None.
robustness:	?
description:	This is a scheme interpreter with built-in procedures using
		the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) and RDB SQL Services.
		You can use it merely as a flexible database loader/unloader
		with fast binary flat-file data save/restore. Or you can
		use it to apply the classic Symbolic Manipulation or
		Artificial Intelligence techniques on your data sets.
		The main-program can be oriented towards batch, character-cell
		terminal, or Window/GUI. Sybase via ct library.
                The system also provides a general purpose unix scripting=

                language environment.
references:	Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs MIT Press.
announcements:	comp.lang.scheme, comp.databases.rdb, comp.databases.oracl=
bugs:		Contact the author.
requires:	C compiler, your favorite commercial DB. Posix regular
                expression library.    =

                WINDOWS 95. SOLARIS.
author:		George Carrette <>
how to get: has instructions.
updated:	1997/04/03

- -- =

"Sure, vi is user friendly. It's just particular about who it makes frien=
ds =

with." ;-)
| Klaus Elsbernd, System Administrator, BOFH        | -k= |
| Deutsches Forschungsz. f=FCr K=FCnstliche Intelligenz | DFKI GmbH, Geb.=
 57/285  |
| 67657 Kaiserslautern; Germany                     | Tel: (+49) 0631/205=
- -3486|

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