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Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF (Was: Re: CF: Moving on to implement diseases)

On Mar 3,  9:30pm, Brian Thomas wrote:
> Subject: Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF (Was: Re: CF: Moving on to impl

> 	How hard can writing the AI interpreter in C be vs. using an
> 	available package?

 It also depends on how much we need in the AI.  While very sophisticated AI
might be nice (ie, salemen able to wander town to town, or sages that then
learn stuff), I think a much higher priority is having a good enough AI so that
monsters are at least reasonably intelligent.

 While it may be nice to have a very sophisticated script for each monster, if
you have a map with 100 orcs, the cpu time required to have each orc do
something inteliigent might make the game unplayable.  As such, more than
likely, most monsters might have a very basic AI (ie, able to use items like
orcs already do).  Only some monsters would be much brighter (smart about using
spells, healing devices, maybe even things like dimension door to get away.)

 So it may be best to identify what features the AI really needs, and then look
at the best solution to implement that.

> 	What about GUILE? or other lisp like stuff?
> 					-b.t.
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>-- End of excerpt from Brian Thomas


-- Mark Wedel

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