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Re: CF: multi server problems

I have noticed this as well, on my server.  I have an apartment key, and
when I get moved to another server I still have the key even though in the
apartment another person could get a "copy" of this same key by paying the
gold at the alter.  

It worked out nicely for us, since it created another 'suite' just like
the last apartment in the southeastern area.

I guess I never realized how this could be abused.  I agree 100% that this
is something that should be looked at and fixed.

Rick Tanner

On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Steven Unruh wrote:

> ok,
> i've identified a small problem with moving a character from one server
> to another.  can you say MASTER THEIF!!!
> ok, in my world (lets say) i have a low level guy that is able to buy
> all the keys to the apartments.  now i take this guy and move him
> to somebody elses server and VIOLA!  i walk into their apartments and
> steal all of their stuff.  the keys and rooms are not coded (in all senses
> of the word) to check for the machinename and determine which server this
> apartment key is good for.
> does anybody else think this is needed?
> Steve Unruh
> -- 
> He who laughs last thinks slowest!
> Black holes are where God divides by zero.
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