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Re: CF: images & caching.

Received: (from philb@localhost) 
	by soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU (8.8.8/) id XAA12670; Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:15:42 -0800 (PST)
        env-from (philb)
From:  (Philip Brown)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: CF: images & caching.
In-Reply-To: <> from Scott Wedel at "Mar 5, 98 07:29:03 pm"
To:  (Scott Wedel)
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:15:42 -0800 (PST)
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>>>>[From Scott Wedel]
    Seems to me that if we assume client has all images cached then actual
    image format is irrelevant.  Presumably, server sends image name and
    which layer which client is then supposed to display correctly.  I
    see no requirement that server need to have any idea of the actual font

>>[From Philip Brown]

    Something, somewhere, has to give the image to the client. The client then
    has to agree with that "something", what acceptible image formats are.
    It's still the same issue: xpm vs gif vs png vs ...?
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The whole point is that there is no xpm vs gif vs png since one client
could use a xpm font server and another client could use a png font server
while both simultaneously playing on the same map and CF game server
doesn't even know what image system the clients are using.  The key
is that it pulls the whole image issue away from the game engine and
the client platform limitations.

This would require some automated procedure at presumably done as part
of font server install to properly convert images from CF developer
format to format used by this CF font server.

This is actually not to different from how sounds are done in CF as
it is presumed local machine has the sound files.

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