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Re: CF: pause?

On Fri, 6 Mar 1998, Rick Tanner wrote:
> you would enter a command that would sort of "remove" you from the game into
> an area that was a massive chat room/casino/meeting place/restaurant.

Word of Recall?  Anyway, since the spells already look D&D-alike, why not
add the spell "Ropetrick"?  It should have quite a bit of a delay, like
word of recall, to prevent abuse.  After all, you're going to attempt to
climb this rope, and if there are monsters all around you attempting to
hit you, maybe you'll just fall down instead of being able to reach the top.
There should also be a max duration.

The way the D&D ropetrick worked, you created a rope which you could
climb to reach a little pocket in another plane.

Example of implementing:
- Create a timer object which knows your current hp and sp
- When this object finishes counting down, it checks anew for anti-magic
  area, then checks your hp and sp again to see if you have lost any
  (been fighting).  If so, it tells you that you lost your concentration
  and failed.  Otherwise, create a rope object which points to a new map,
  create a new temporary map with exit back to the rope (just look at
  random encounter code), and create yet anonther timer object which
  starts to count down.
- When this new timer object finishes counting down, check if the player
  is still in the temporary map.  If so, teleport the player back
  to the original map and give som damage, then remove the map and
  the rope.  If the player is not there anymore, then at least remove
  the temporary map, but the rope might have to be left there since
  it might be tricky to remove it if the map is not loaded.

This way other players and pets can follow the player after the
rope has been created.

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