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CF: Images and Caching

	I have some ideas here:

1. Common case: you run again and again on the same server, with the same

2. Incremental updates are desirable

	It seems to me that a good method would be a hierarchical checksum
scheme.  For each image file, you have a name and a checksum, and maybe a
version.  No too much overhead (<100bytes) with very good identification.
Then, you have a images list, which also has a checksum and maybe a
version.  This is maybe 50k.  Then your interaction is:

client: send me your image set id
server: (100 byte id: .1s)
client: I don't have that set, send me the details
   to user: Please wait for image loading
server: (50k set: 10-30s)
client: OK, images 1, 357, and 666 are new, send me those
server: (3 images @ 5k each: 5s)

	This scheme should be trouble free, and fast in the common case.
For even more efficiency with a little more complexity, break the image
list into smaller chunks, such as every 5K or land/creatures/items/?


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