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CF: another bug of cone magic

I found another bug of cone magic.
Cone magic invoked by players should have attacktype of magic.
But it does not have.

Following patch is useful for some people.

*** spell_util.c.orig	Sun Feb  8 14:26:19 1998
--- spell_util.c	Wed Mar 25 00:36:45 1998
*** 958,965 ****
      tmp->level=SK_level(op); /* need to use the cleric level, not overall value -b.t. */ 
  #ifdef MULTIPLE_GODS /* holy word stuff */                
!     if((tmp->attacktype&AT_HOLYWORD)||(tmp->attacktype&AT_GODPOWER))
              if(!tailor_god_spell(tmp,op)) return 0;  
      else /* god/holy word isnt really 'magic' */
--- 958,966 ----
      tmp->level=SK_level(op); /* need to use the cleric level, not overall value -b.t. */ 
  #ifdef MULTIPLE_GODS /* holy word stuff */                
!     if((tmp->attacktype&AT_HOLYWORD)||(tmp->attacktype&AT_GODPOWER)) {
              if(!tailor_god_spell(tmp,op)) return 0;  
+     }
      else /* god/holy word isnt really 'magic' */

I'm not sure that the patch is useful for everybody.
The bug is related with the specification of C language.
i.e. cone magic does not have attacktype of magic,
*only if* the following conditional program,

	if (p1) 
		if (p2) 
	else if (p3)

is same as the following program on your C language

	if (p1) {
		if (p2) 
		else if (p3)

Seikoh Nishita		      |	Dep't. of Information & Computer Sciences
			      |	Faculty of Engineering Science
[e-mail]		      |	Osaka University
 |	Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan
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