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Re: CF: hello

On Sep 3, 10:22am, Jettero Heller wrote:
> Subject: CF: hello
> [Note, Jettero is not on the list -- Kjetil T.]
> I've noticed that the client can't do the multiple commands per line ';'.

 Will be fixed in the next version.

> Also, I set up a server on a T1, and tried to play from home, and
> noticed that the game was unbareably slow, is there any way to speed
> things up over a modem?  For instance: near as I can tell, it's
> sending all the bitmaps over the net...  could the bitmaps be stored
> locally?

 If you use the -cache, it will only download the images once for ever.
 OTherwise, each time you run the client, it will download the images again.
This makes it a bit slow while it is first downloading the images & building
the cache, but at some certain point, things run pretty decently.

> Jet
>-- End of excerpt from Jettero Heller


-- Mark Wedel

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