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On Sep 8, 10:31pm, Peter Mardahl wrote:
> > special spells was relatively importantly.  In crossfire, at current time, th
> > good recipes are either too rare or the recipes that are found tend not to be
> > that useful.  Actually, weapon improvement could probably be much more
> > interesting if somehow mixed with alchemy.
> How about some spells which can NOT be cast, but may only be done through
> alchemy?

 That could be interesting.

> But in any case, I think the highest priority right now should be 
> DECENT RANDOM MAPS for new code.
> Making maps is extremely tedious, and having a random map generator as
> a tool would help tremendously.  I could generate a random map to start with
> and mutate it much more easily than building one from the ground up.

 I am not sure about random maps for server side would necessary
be important.  However, I do think that the ability to relative quickly
being able to make new maps would be important (be able to generate
a good map faster that it would take a player to complete it.)  Right now,
I don't think that is the case.

 At one time there was some discussion to redo/revamp crossedit.  A few
features could greatly expedite map making.

 1) For walls, being able to select a start poing and end point, and have
crossedit make the wals in between connecting.
 2) Easier method to create connected objects - dealing with the sub windows
starts to be a main.  Easy method i could think of is you select all the
objects, hit something like 'connect', and it now connects them with some
unique number/identifier.
 3) Ability to fill/blend objects.  For example, you select 3 monsters,
 and area, and density, and it puts the objects as appropriate in
that area.  Or some method to sort of blend stuff (ie, I want to start
with trees on this edge, and end with grass on this other).
 4) Random map generator to get a starting point might be good.
 5) easier method to link exits (for example, select end point and exit,
and it updates the path and destination as needed)

 I think one problem with crossedit is the amount of tedious work to
fill in each square and then use the sub windows to adjust the necessary

 I know there was a lot of interest in a revised crossedit.  This could
be an ideal project for someone who wants to learn a bit about the code
but not get in quite so heavily with all hte server side/spell stuff.

 If you think about it, a lot of the backen stuff for the editor exits -
map loader, saver, object name/attribute parser, and object inserter/remover
for the map.  A lot of what crossedit really is is just a user interface
for those tools.


-- Mark Wedel
