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CF: server open for testing

Hi all.  I've got an open server running at
(normal port).  This is running the latest source straight off the cvs
repository.  I intend to keep this server pretty much in sync with the cvs
if possible.

Email me if you experience any problems with the server.

I'm having a few problems with crossedit so my own map set, underworld,
isn't currently linked in, but the server will also server as the testing
area for new maps that myself and a few others make.

My link to the net is quite slow, so I will be interested to see how the
client-server code goes over the slow link.  On the upside I'm right next
door to the main Australian backbone ( which has good
connectivity to the US.

Oh and if you see Lars, or Telmar on the server say hi :)

--Robert Brockway B.Sc.  Email: 
			 Founder of HUMBUG (

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