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Re: CF: Something i cant figure out.

On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 12:23:06PM -0400, Hwei Sheng TEOH wrote:
> The command you want is:
> 	'use_skill praying
> Bind that to a key or something:
> 	'bind use_skill praying
> Then press the key you want to bind to praying. I use 'y'...

Interesting choice... "y" ("z" on US keyboards) is my primary healing
key (so I can hit it while I'm running). Depending on level/equipment,
this means either minor/medium/major healing or heal (whichever is
relieable enough at the time), or invocation of the golden unicorn
horn. "x" is secondary healing, which is applying a potion of
healing. "c" is cure confusion (since that's important during fighting
as well).

For similar reasons, "q" invokes counterspell followed by face of death
(that's basically a historical leftover, since face of death stopped
being useful some versions ago :-( ) --- it's close enough to control
so I can keep the ctrl key down, but far enough away so I don't hit it

For the curios: "w" summons cult monsters, so I can easily do something
like "wwwqpppp...pppp" or similar to produce certain items.

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