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Re: CF: Something i cant figure out.

> If you want a character that *really* relies on magic, consider a monk
> instead.  Monks are the best spellcasters in crossfire (due to their
> meditation skill), but they are extremely poor fighters (since they
> lack the melee weapons skill).
> Quetzalcoatls are good spellcasters at low levels (since they start
> out with a lot of Pow), but they can't wear armor, which makes
> progress a lot more difficult --- in the long run they loose compared
> to the other classes. Right now I'm not sure whether a Q can max out
> his skills within reasonable time. They are great secondary characters
> to max out certain skills.

how about fireborn: no weapons, no armour, no strength, low con...

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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