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Re: CF: Rampant volunteerism

Philip Brown wrote:
> >>>>[From Mark Wedel]
>     Peter Mardahl wrote:
>     >
>     > 1)  Set a cap on how much shopkeepers will pay for unidentified stuff:
>     > said cap being 3x the cost of identification:  i.e., 60gp.
>     As a second sanity check, the shop should never pay more for
>     unidentified stuff than identified stuff.
> unless of course it is cursed.

 This is a matter of debate.  I assume by that statement that cursed
items that are not identified and sold should still get some money.

 Why this is so can be debated.  The shopkeeper knows what the item is, knows it
is cursed, and knows he can't get any money for selling it.  So why should he
pay for it?

 Such a change would reduce the monetary gain from players be some modest
amount.  The spell/skill detect curse is still useful - you can know what is
cursed, ditch that, and save some money on identification (less stuff to

 Not giving money for cursed items is not likely to affect gameplay much in any
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