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Re: CF: Illusions
- To: David Andrew Michael Noelle <>
- Subject: Re: CF: Illusions
- From: Peter Mardahl <>
- Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 15:06:37 -0700
- Cc: Crossfire Mailing List <crossfire (at)>
- In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 18 Aug 1999 16:43:45 CDT." <>
- Sender:
> Here's an idea to play around with: Illusions.
> What if mages could cast an Illusion spell with an argument and create a
> "golem" that looked like whatever creature they named? Maybe the illusion
> would even have the appropriate attacktype, immunities, etc. To balance it,
> the difference between the level of the illusionary creature and the magic
> level of the caster could be used to determine things like the duration of
> the illusion and how hard it is to dispell.
> The tricky part would be letting monsters and players dispel illusions
> by disbelieving them. Any attack on an illusion should have a chance, based
> on the attacker's Int and the relative levels of the attacker and the
> illusionist, of instantly dispelling the illusion.
> This could probably be done by adding an "Illusion" monster type and
> checking for that type when assigning damage. Or it could be done by adding
> an "Illusion" flag to objects. Is there any need for illusions other than
> monsters? Creating illusionary chests or pits or walls, for example. Can
> anyone think of a use for such things? Would illusionary objects be worth
> implementing, or should Illusion spells be limited to creating monsters?
Illusory stuff is a cool idea. It's sort of semi-implemented already:
you can make "illusory" walls, etc with the map editor.
Perhaps this should wait until Mark et. al. are done with the upcoming
server hack, though: it'd probably make it easier to make "illusory"
versions of ordinary spells.
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