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Re: CF: Illusions (plus some more ideas...)

Hi !

>On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
>>     This could probably be done by adding an "Illusion" monster type and
>> checking for that type when assigning damage.  Or it could be done by adding
>> an "Illusion" flag to objects.  Is there any need for illusions other than
>> monsters?  Creating illusionary chests or pits or walls, for example.  Can
>> anyone think of a use for such things?  Would illusionary objects be worth
>> implementing, or should Illusion spells be limited to creating monsters?
>What about allowing the spell to create an illusion of the caster, like
>the Mirror Image spell from the AD&D?

And what about changing the look of the caster himself ?
It would be quite funny to look like a great dragon or an acid sphere.

And for illusion monsters - make them all level 1. :-)
They are just illusions ; they could be stepped on too, like illusionary

>Speaking of new Mage spells, what about Mana Shield?
>Like in Diablo (and I am sure many other games out there) where Mana
>points are essentially used as Life/Hit points?  It is just an idea, but I
>forsee with all the different locations of +magic equipment in the game,
>this would cause a huge imbalance.  But from a previous post from Mark
>Wedel, I believe he mentioned a rework for game balance, so maybe this
>could be considered then. *shrug*  So, maybe something like the Mana
>Shield will remain in effect as long as current Mana never drops below a
>certain percentage of the total.

You mean that someone with a mana shield would lose mana instead
of hp, I guess.

>- Rick Tanner


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