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Re: CF: Experiments

On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 09:42:50PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
> David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> >     Grenades - create a bomb and throw it - like a fireball, but psysical
> > grenade - wizard spell
>  There is already a create bomb spell that basically does this.  I wonder if
> throwing bombs works?

Yes, throwing bobs works (or at least used to work with 0.94.x) but is
little bit tricky, thus it is easy for low level characters to
accidentally blow themselves up :) 
So, I don't really see why we would need a different grenade spell,
unless it adds something really new.

That reminds me of an another issue of player drinking a potion of
invulnerability and then creating dozen or so bombs (with or without
help of other players) and picking them all up and running next to a
big monster to "explode" ;)

 Timo Kokkonen                                email: , 
 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.              URL:
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