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Graduated protections, was Re: CF: incompatible objects (was Re: Experiments)

> Peter Mardahl wrote:
> > 
> > At SOME point, there was supposed to be a change where protections
> > would add in a reducing fashion:  what's the status on this?
>     I remember seeing that suggestion, too.  I don't remember seeing anyone
> volunteer to actually do it, though.  If nobody else is working on this,
> I'll do it.  And while I'm at it, I'll throw in a counter to keep track of
> the player's spell point regeneration penalty.  It's currently being
> calculated by scanning their inventory every time they regenerate a spell
> point!

This hack has been done, I've seen this hack, and I've playtested it,
and it worked pretty well.  Our Japanese friends did it.  Mark
had some reason for not including it yet.

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