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Re: CF: suggestion for Exp system (damage vs. kill)

> The system for gaining experience in CrossFire has been discussed
> many times on this list, with the most common question being "why
> don't I get experience points when I damage a monster without
> killing it?".

I like Raphael's solution.  I'm in favor of it, though I don't
anticipate coding on it.  It doesn't seem that complex, though.

Raphael, if you do this, and if Mark hasn't already done it, 
could you make sure that when you cast spells which cause effects,
the experience goes into spellcasting rather than into the current

I've cast "fireball", switched skills, and gotten agility experience.
It's pathological.  Mark *may* have fixed this already, but if he hasn't,

(The problem is even more severe for disease spells than for fireball.)


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