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Re: CF: Crossfire 0.95.2 package naming

Kjetil Torgrim Homme on  wrote...
| [Preston F. Crow]
| >   I don't see why we should use .tgz instead of .tar.gz for the
| >   client.  If some OS can't handle a double extension, then the user
| >   can download to a different name.
| How about getting rid of the .tar.gz version and just use .tar.bz2?  I
| more than made up for it in download time (using my modem at home) the
| very first time I had need of it.
bzip2 is still not very common. In fact it can be difficult to find
as few archives seem to point out the location of it!

I'd recommend both be supplied for at least another year.

However I do agree on the package renaming as well and the program
renaming.  EG:    crossfire -> cfserver or crossfired
                  cfclient -> crossfire

Idea. Have the client program automatically start and kill the local
server if the program can be found, a local server wasn't running and no
specific server was given. 

This would make it easier for the newbies and the player who play on a
thier own server.

Any idea if an when a meta server is going to be available?

Anyone know of a permanent server in Australia?

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
     Quazar Dragon (Draco Godawfulus Armageddonus)
         HIT DICE:  All there are
         SIZE:      LARGE!!!!  (120,600 miles from nose to tail)
	 TREASURE:  1d4 Planets may be found in stomach
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
     PGP Public Key available -- finger -l 
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