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Re: Making Mark's life easier, was: Re: CF: Use CVS

No need to copy me, Peter, I'm on the list.

Peter Mardahl wrote:
> I think Mark provides an extremely valuable service as
> maintainer/reviewer: is there any way to have submissions to the CVS
> tree held pending his approval?

Yes.  The easiest way for him to achieve this is to simply continue to
manage his own copy of the code and to use CVS to compare it against
what other people have done to the repository.  If he doesn't like
someone's change, he can simply back it out.

However I'm afraid that isn't how CVS works best.  The best way is for
every developer to regularly update their copy of the repository, build
it in total, run through a few maps, and then make bug fixes as
necessary and commit them back to the repository.

Perhaps Mark would want to wait for 1.00 before doing this.

> If Mark likes this idea, how can we help make it happen?  James, can
> you help set up a repository?

No, it's not part of Compaq's business.

> Is there a problem of finding an appropriate host for the repository?

Could be.  If Mark says it's a good idea, and if he can't set it up (it
took me ten minutes to work out how) then he can call for help.  Bob
Tanner might be interested in helping.

> I could probably scrounge a machine/organization to host the CVS
> repository....

Just estimate ten times the current source code size in bytes and that
ought to do for at least twenty releases.

James Cameron                                      ()

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