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Re: CF: bugs and features

[groan.  Majordomo traps on the word "unstable" -- it thinks its a
 typo for unsubscribe!  -- Kjetil T.]

David Sundqvist wrote:
> Now, I dont expect a very high level of quality in the unstable
> releases, (and staying with 0.94.3 for public servers is a good idea
> (and even correct) IMO), but they should at least be stable enough to
> allow further development. This, I think, could be accomplished with
> CVS, since several people could actually run a checkout  [...]

Yes, agreed.  A common practice is to have an automated build every
night that would flag deviations from buildable state to the maintainer
or inner circle.

James Cameron                                      ()

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"Specialisation is for insects." -- Robert Heinlein.

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