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Re: CF: Problems with new gods

On Feb 9,  8:09pm, Gorlin wrote:
> Subject: Re: CF: Problems with new gods

> >         Secondly, avataar of Gaea causes floating point exceptions.  This
> > has happened every time I tried it.
> That's strange. I changed religion to Gaea and tried the avatar, while it
> didn't crash the game, parts of the avatar disappeared (and reappeared
> later) during the animation sequence. However, I did not change anything
> of the animation part when changing the gods. To be sure, I checked the
> archetype again - no difference in the images or the anim-mina part.
> Something similar also happened with the Ruggili and Gnarg avatars,
> however. Now I'm wondering... did I make a mistake somewhere (I looked, I
> didn't find any; that doesn't mean there isn't one however), or did
> something else change in the code ?

 Some of the gods were missing/using improper animation names.  The server does
some sanity checking (although, apparantly not enough) when loading up and will
note any objects missing animations.  If the server prints some messages to
that affect, that is probably the problem.


-- Mark Wedel

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