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Re: CF: Win32 Client

On Feb 24, 12:45am, Carlo Mocci wrote:
> Subject: CF: Win32 Client

> 1) How abut lag ? How much latency is required to have a playable game over
> the Net ? I'm still looking for some server on Internet to test that.

 Less latency the better.  Some of this also depends on the circumstances -
fighting things like orcs or other non spell casting monsters which tend to
whittle down hitpoints slowly, you can deal with more lag compared to fighting
spell casting creatures where if you sit in the lightning bolt too long, the
loss of hitpoints is deadly.

 Each game tick (move) is 120 ms.  I would probably say you want to be less
than 200 msif you want to play safely.

> 2) How many players can connect at a time before the server starts to slow
> down ?

 Depends greatly on server hardware.  A pii-450 is going to do a much better
job with more players than say a sparc 2.  Network bandwidth would be the
second consideration.  Multiple CPU's don't really help out crossfire except
for the basis that other tasks on the cpu are less likely to affect it.  I
don't think anyone has ever done hard numbers on this - increasing players may
not necessarily increase cpu load proportionally.  5 players each doing their
own thing is going to impose more cpu usage than 10 players that are split into
2 or 3 groups - if the former cases, that is 5 maps/areas that need to get
updated each tick, in the later case, it is only 2 or 3.  So at some point, you
probably start getting more of that overlap.

> 3) Most important -> Here in Italy the pool of people interested by now in
> Muds or Multiplayer Roguelike is not enormous. Crossfire requires unix to
> connect. Has someone started to develop a Win32 Client (or a java client) ?

 There is a java client.  A copy is on the server - the
original source is Phil Brown (


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