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CF: 0.95.1 bug summary

I have just prepared little summary for bugs I found:

Server bugs:
- character speed doesn't seem to be calculated properly
  sometimes dropping some objects decrease your speed.
  And horn of Eorligans (or somthing) makes your speed > 15
  (was it intended)
- hill giants seem to move to fast - their seem to be the fastest
  creatures in the game  
- pet monsters block your moves. You have to kill them to go on
- pet monsters seem to prefer killing walls and doors than monstars.
  Even those doors you can pass through
- after killing monster weapon speed is used for moving onto its place,
  and even for running further
- after killing/crashing client all players invetory is left on the map

Map bugs:
- in the old city, near the "portal":
  prayerbook lays on the stone block, so you can't see it. The
  "Hell-Hole" seems as it is an exit, so one can think it shouldn't be
  blocked. Maybe a generator should be placed under block behind hole.
  Even moving the stone block in the oposite directions makes
  "Congratulations" appear.

Client/Server? bugs:  
- After opening container on a floor client doesn't show closing it

(X)Client bugs:
- Keyboard buffering - I know it is not only keyboard bufferring, but it
is annoying. I miss the "keyboard" command in 0.94.x
- shoot+arrow sometimes locks up

And probably many more...

!      ,  !            Jacek Konieczny, Gliwice, Poland            !      
! Jajcus  !   email: ,    !
!         ! ICQ# 7149127                           WWW: none (yet) !
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