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Re: CF: 0.95.1 bug summary

On Jan 3, 10:40pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:

> You can shoot arrows directly from a quiver which is active.
> I would like to also see simular things for
>   * Key rings.
>       Keys are added to the ring but you can't use them directly from an
>       active key ring.

 This is a feature which always gets a lot of discussion.  I really need to
make this an option the player can change.

 The basic reasoning was that you could put keys into keyrings and thus not
have doors accidentally opened when you run into them.  Accidentally opening a
door can be one of the more annoying things.

 On the other hand, often times you really want to open a door and not have to
deal with the keyring.

>   * Pouches (for gems and money)
>       You can't pay for things when leaving a shop directly from a pouch!

 Should probably be changed.

> As for another wish I would love to be able to name certain items
> being held.  For example name (or label) a particular quiver
> ``troll''.  so you can then set a ``apply'' binding to close all
> quivers and active that special quiver full of arrows of assisinating
> trolls when that troll is comming at you fast!

 This will be supported whenever I get around to changing the way objects are
stored internally.


-- Mark Wedel

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