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Re: CF: Dup'ing items

"Mark Wedel" on  wrote...
| On Jan 5,  2:08pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:
| > No need to know where and when he dropped it! Just that he is no longer
| > carring it! Just compare the saved character with the currently
| > dis-connected character and see what he still has. Remove from the saved
| > character anything he doesn't have in is disconnected character and
| > re-save.  Do NOT add to the saved character however.
|  If we're going to do that, why not just keep the previously saved
|  character and completely ignore the disconnected character?  That
|  would seem to make just as much sense (if we do not add to the saved
|  character, that then means anything picked up since the save is also
|  disregarded).  That is simpler to do, and seems to basically be what
|  you are saying to do.
That would NOT be a good idea. The reason for the comparision
is to prevent them droping the items to duplicate, reseting
and then having the restored character pick them up again.

|  In any case, I don't like that comparison because it seems to add a
|  lot more complexity  - if all we want to do is update the players
|  position, that is easy enough to do, but I don't think that would be
|  very popular since saves are already every 5 minutes (suppose you
|  just defeated that tough monster, got the loot, and your connection
|  died and your character is what it was before that?)
Comparing characters does not have to be complex, just enough to prevent
that one `loop-hole''. And with a `auto-save' in special `very safe'
places (town and outside world maps only -- safe map flag?) should
prevent much of the unplesentness.

In fact ``Keep it Simple'' is in my view much prefered over the really
complex fail safe to protect the player from the network disconnects.
It just means that they should save regularly, just as they would in
any other computer game.

|  I can pretty much guarentee any clever way that is come up with to
|  try and prevent cheating will still have a loophole or undesirable
|  affect for those that honestly lost the connection.
Not a huge loophole, but a small penaly for disconnect should be
prefered to other advantages `cheaters' can achieve.

| > Not if the item is very usefull and hard to get. For example a Magic
| > Crystal.  These are next to imposible to get!
|  True - but there is a magic crystal quest so you can always get it.
|  I am not sure how many of those it is useful to have in your
|  inventory at once - if you use up all your own spell points + all the
|  ones in the magic crystal fighting something, I don't know if the sp
|  is a second or third is going to help out any.

What quests you should go on to get what item is a big question :-)

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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