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Re: CF: Please help

    Christian> That's a very difficult question. The trivial answer is: hit
    Christian> him until he's dead :-)

    Christian> A skull is generally a tough opponent for a lowlevel
    Christian> character. Common ways of killing skulls from a distance
    Christian> are:

    Christian> - holy orb/banishment of Jehova - holy servant or avatar

Chee!  And I thought Ruggili was the best God, 'cos with him you reflect
missiles.  I never prayed much though, so this is the time to start, I
guess.  Who is the best god to follow?

    Christian> If there is just one skull at the start of a map, and you
    Christian> have free action (or, even better, the "speed+1 immune slow
    Christian> paralyze " ring) and cure confusion, you might want to try
    Christian> burning the skull away. Or, if you have some elemental

"I" am a Quetzalcoatl, so burning seems like a good idea.  I'll try it out

R. Balasubramanian.
Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for 
others. -Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)
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