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Re: CF: Races, starting cities, word of recall

On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 07:21:44PM +0100, Raphaël Quinet wrote:
> A newly created character would start as a ghost (or some representation
> of a soul) on a special map ("/limbo" or "/start").  That map would
> contain special exits to the different starting cities.  In the first
> version, they could all point to Scorn, but that could change when more
> starting villages are added.  These special one-way teleporters would set
> the character's race, abilities and equipment, adjust the stats and set
> the character's home to be the place where they are teleported.  They
> would in fact do a part of what is done currently when the player selects
> a race just after rolling the stats.

I think it is a great idea!
Creatin character would be much nicer then. And adding other races/clases
would be much easier then.

> By the way, I am actually willing to write the code for doing this if
> nobody has any objections...  I do not know when I would have the time
> to do it, but maybe I could do it before the next millenium...  ;-)
Do it, as fast as you can. I think more people will like your idea, when they
see it working.

!      ,  !            Jacek Konieczny, Gliwice, Poland            !      
! Jajcus  !   email: ,    !
!         ! ICQ# 7149127                           WWW: none (yet) !
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