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Re: CF: stable crossfire ?
- To: Crossfire Mailing List <crossfire (at)>
- Subject: Re: CF: stable crossfire ?
- From: James Cameron <>
- Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:24:38 +1100
- Organization: Netrek Vanilla Server Maintainer
- References: <>
- Sender:
Scott D. Yelich wrote:
> (1) What is pray? Holy word? Deities and gods? and Altars?
Pray is talking to a god. In response the god increases your grace.
With grace you can cast prayers that do things. However as a result
your grace declines and you have to generically pray again to get it
back up.
Holy Word is a prayer formula that hurts enemies of the god you are a
worshipper of.
Deities, never heared of 'em.
Gods, non-present character archetype.
Altars, places at which generic praying works so much better.
> (2) How do I make my sp go up? They seem so low
> that I can't kill things to get experience?
It will increase to a maximum. To raise the maximum requires more Power
and Intelligence. Moving up Experience levels also increases the
maximum spell level.
> (3) How do I apply a scroll of weapon bonus?
> It always says weapon not prepared?
Apparently you also need a scroll of Prepare Weapon. Never tried it
myself, it seems far too complicated.
> (4) Why do wands not give magic experience when
> they are used to kill something?
I've noticed that. Annoying. I just don't bother with wands and staffs
any more. Useless items.
> Why can't spells such as fireball go over water?
The map designer has said that nothing can pass that water. Your issue
is with the map maker not the game. If the designer allowed spells to
travel over water then you should be equally able to jump over it or fly
over it.
> Why don't my pet monsters attack all enemies?
The algorithm for determining whether something is an enemy or not
depends on information available to the game program only. The
algorithm is simplistic, whereas your choice would be so much more
> (5) what is alchemy?
I don't know for sure. There are two, one is a spell and another a
skill. There is also cauldrons or something. I only know about the
alchemy spell and the alchemy identification skill. The alchemy skill
seems to turn anything to gold. The identification skill when used
identifies a certain class of objects.
> (6) How do you search and disarm traps?
> This I bound "s" to "search" and "d" to disarm
> and I hit "s" and then "." 50 to 100 times
> and then when I apply to open the chest, a
> trap goes off.
The trap was there, you just didn't find it. The chances of finding a
trap that is there relates to one of your character statistics. I'm not
sure which.
"s" is already bound to "find traps".
"d" is already bound to "disarm".
If your character has died a few times, start a new one.
> (7) Does magic bullett do more damage as your
> level goes up?
I think so. Never checked.
James Cameron ()
OpenVMS, Linux, Firewalls, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH,
COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers,
Disability Engineering, Netrek, Bicycles, Pedant, Farming, Home Control,
Remote Area Power, Greek Scholar, Tenor Vocalist, Church Sound, Husband.
"Specialisation is for insects." -- Robert Heinlein.
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