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Re: CF: Answers to Scott Yelich's questions

> Peter Mardahl wrote:
> > sp goes up with time, with quaffing magic potions, and by using
> > a power crystal.  sp regen is retarded by wearing armor.
> My crystal stopped doing that.  Why?
> Ah, I didn't know about the armor bit.
> Need a "strip" key now.

Crystals are nothing more than storage.  If you have FULL sp, when
you apply a crystal, you'll dump half your mana into it.  If you
have ANYTHING LESS THAN FULL sp, you'll suck power out of the crystal,
until it is out of power.

Power crystals are a way to increase your magic "gas tank", in
exchange for the hassle of managing them, and the expense/risk
of getting them in the first place.

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