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Re: CF: stable crossfire ?

Anthony Thyssen wrote:
> Only one meta server is required (generally auto set by default).

I disagree.  In the Netrek world we have gone to three metaservers, with
a single host name.  The clients send a UDP packet to all three, and the
first to respond gets the contents listed on a server list.  Subsequent
return responses are merged with the displayed list.

Servers send a UDP packet to all the metaservers that the server
administrator chooses to talk to.  I'll probably be changing this code
to simplify the task.

The metaservers have known names outside their domain as
well, in case the domain name server for that domain fails.  Physically
they are all over the place.  We have two US based metaservers and one

James Cameron                                      ()

OpenVMS, Linux, Firewalls, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH,
COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers,
Disability Engineering, Netrek, Bicycles, Pedant, Farming, Home Control,
Remote Area Power, Greek Scholar, Tenor Vocalist, Church Sound, Husband.

"Specialisation is for insects." -- Robert Heinlein.
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