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Re: CF: Usless Items (was Map integration)

Mark Wedel wrote:
> On Jan 20,  2:00pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:
> > Subject: Re: CF: Usless Items (was Map integration)
> > The main problem is that in things like Ultima their was only one major
> > quest. In Crossfire you have a huge number of quests.
>  True. Perhaps one improvement would be to group/chain more of them together.
>  For example, look at the current quests, and chain a bunch together so that
> they go from level 1 to level 10 for example.  Maybe there is enough dungeons
> such that you can have 6 such parallel quests.

I wouldn't advocate a strong chaining of quests unless they really made sense
such as taking out a series of wizard towers.  I think it would be better
just to give out hints on possible follow up quests/adventures.  It can be
sort of frustrating to complete say Scorn's Old city quest only to have
no idea where to look next.  I think it would be quite reasonable if fairly
deep into the Old City quest a dead adventurer was found with a diary saying
"The old wizard Galoth in Goth's promised to tell me tales of great evil
once I proved to him I was worthy of his trust".  And so when player goes to
Goth's and says Galoth to that NPC then out comes hints on some other places
to go appropriate for someone that managed to finish Old City.  Not so much
metaquests, but "if you did that then you might want to try these".

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