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Re: CF: Usless Items (was Map integration)

On Jan 20,  6:16pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:
> Subject: Re: CF: Usless Items (was Map integration)
> I don't mind the key descriptions but unless you know what the key
> description refers to (generally by finding the door by accident latter)
> you really can't use it.
> Just getting a ``Key to FooBar'' is no good unless you happened to know
> where ``FooBar'' is and wandering arround is a very dangerious and
> dishearting exercise.

 But there is certainly no good reason that the keys would state 
what specific doors they go to.

 If I find a key in the street, I don't know what house/car it goes to.
However, if I find it on the ground next to a car, I may have an idea
it goes to that car.

 Now that doesn't say that the names can't be improved.  For example,
if all the clues you got so far point out that the key on this map
is the lighthouse key, I don't have a problem calling it the lighthouse
key.  On the other hand, a key you find on the second level of a dungeon
that opens the door on the 4'th floor should perhaps not be called anything
much more descriptive than the key itself (rusty, marble, whatever). 

 This may improve some when players can rename the objects - a player could
choose to name it something more descriptive for their own reference
(key - found on level 2) or the like.

> But it should be more than just ``The Book''. It should say something
> meaningfull instead of ``This is beyond you comprehension''
> When I played five years ago I carryed that book around (well stored it
> in a store charcater) for a very long time hoping that one day I would
> be high enough to actually mean something!

 That is true.  items should not have messages that can be confused 
with internal conditions in most cases.


-- Mark Wedel

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