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Re: CF: Usless Items (was Map integration)

My thoughts on making keys less confusing:

First, there should be multiple colors for the key and door images,
and these should always match.  With 5 to 10 different colors, this
would really clean things up.

Second, key names, or at least descriptions when examined, should indicate
where the key was found. 

For example, there could be a key from the Scorn undercity.  The key
color would be silver (as with the matching door).   The key label
(what shows up in the inventory) would be "key from Scron undercity."
When examining the key, it would give you a three or four line
description of where the key was found.

Some other key may be colored red, have a label "key from cave" with a
description saying, "This key was found in a cave to the south east of
Brest.  There was a red dragon guarding it."

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