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Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update

On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 12:23:58AM +0100, David Sundqvist wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Mark Wedel wrote:
> >  I wonder if it would be worthwhile to make some better chair images, so
> > whatever facing they have it makes some sense.
> Possibly. I didnt put that much time into them when remaking those
> graphics. Main problem is detail there tho, it's rather difficult to get a
> nice detailed chair with a north facing direction in 24x24 while still
> keeping it relatively small compared to other chairs :).
> >  Is someone still working on a new crossedit out there?  With all the map
> > designing going on, seems like there could be a good test audience.
> Yep, still in progress, but it'll take a while. I've playtested (well,
> we all learn from mistakes) the next version client code tho, and havent
> made it crash in a weekend of playing, so it should be pretty finished.

I haven't done anything constructive yet, more than some testing on how
to hack GTK (i just got my computer installed and configured...). But 
since I now have some time to spare (I think...), So maybe I might be 
able to do something. In addition if I can get hold on someone here with 
CVS-setup privileges I should be able to get a CVS-repository up and 
running 24*7.

/Peter T, who really gotta get CF compiled and updated now.
| Peter Toneby          | | tel: 090-190715  |
| Historiegränd 12A-108 |       | cel: 070-4265345 |
| 907 34 Umeå           |                         | hem: 08-7760415  |
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