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Re: CF: Map integration (was Dtabb land)

Kjetil Torgrim Homme on  wrote...
| [Mark Wedel]
| >    My other thought is to get rid of the npc's that say nothing/do
| >   nothing.  As a player, it can be pretty frustrating talking to a
| >   bunch of people that are placed on a map to find out they have
| >   nothing to say.  If you find that the first bunch of people don't
| >   say anything, you may not see any reason to talk to others.  So
| >   the improvement in this area is to make the npc's that are out
| >   there either have something or say, or very unfriendly (don't
| >   respond when talked to or something.)
| A couple of canned messages for NPC's with no matches would be
| helpful.  If he says "Buzz off" or "Go away, you", the player knows
| that no interesting conversation can be had.
That would be just an adjustment of the archtypes I believe.
to give some default mesages.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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  Wiz : Our explanations are real. A virtual explanation would be
        something that acted like an explanation, but wasn't.
  Moira : I rest my case.                 -- Rick Cook, ``Wizardry Cursed''
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