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Re: CF: (was: Telnet-interface for 0.95.1)

>On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Christian Stieber wrote:
>> [...] So players would, for example, access
>> and get a list of servers.
>Just out of curiosity, I checked if the domain name
>existed already, and it does.  There is even a web site on
>  It is not currently maintained, but they say
>on the home page that they intend to keep it anyway.
>Maybe we could convince them to give us the domain name.  But then
>we would have to do something about Jehovah and Lucifer in the
>game...  See

As stated, is taken, as well as
and (although seems to be free).
Maybe an alternate approach to the metaserver idea is to
go peer-to-peer. Have a set of 4 or 5 metaservers that each
keep a list of working metaservers. Then if one is taken
down, the other 4 update thier internal server list, and
if a new metaserver comes online, add it to the list.
Then when clients connect, they have a set of default servers
that gets updated each time they connect to a metaserver..

I can think of two places where metaservers can be brought
up right away, (Where I work) and 

Or, someone could just register or something

Anyway, just a thought.

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