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Re: CF: using skills (was: Usless Items)
- To: crossfire mailing list <crossfire (at)>
- Subject: Re: CF: using skills (was: Usless Items)
- From: "Mark Wedel" <>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:33:14 -0800
- In-Reply-To: Christian Stieber <> "Re: CF: using skills (was: Usless Items)" (Jan 21, 8:11pm)
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
- Sender:
On Jan 21, 8:11pm, Christian Stieber wrote:
been identified to keep the interesting ones.
> > Also, good players want to check for cursed before getting
> > identifying stuff, since you still get some sale value for
> > unidentified but cursed items.
> Just at the beginning --- too much hassle. I just sell cursed items
> before using the identification altar for the rest of the items. On
> servers with a convenient bag or servers with the negative weight
> feature I uncurse items later in the game (when I have the bag...).
The point being here that you don't want to identify the items before seeing
if they are cursed are not. If skills automatically identify them, you loose
that ability since once the curse is detected, the value is 0.
> It's better to use more prayers on the key (I alomost use the same key,
> except that I use p instead of ctrl-p) --- it seems to pray faster if you
> have more than one pray on the key.
This is a bug with the old X11 code - it will execute all the commands bound
to a key at once. so if you bind 50 things to 1 key, all those 50 actions will
be done in one tick.
This is fixed in the client. There may still be some speed advantage to
multiple binding (since the commands are sent faster, there is not any loss of
time between server executing commands compared to manually pressing the keys)
> > Some of the more popular/common skills should probably be added to
> > the default keybindings file.
> With the client that isn't a problem, since bindings are the same
> across characters (and even across servers) --- causing the funny
> situation that pressing "i" with a new character doesn't identify
> much, but outputs a bunch of errors instead...
The point here was more for newbies. Binding keys is not one of the more
elementary things. And if you can say 'to pray, type p', that is certainly
simpler that say 'type 'use_skill praying'. For advanced players, it is not
important - they main point was to make some things easier for new players.
-- Mark Wedel
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